When man learns that he is a part of creation and that on his cooperation depends the continuity of his development, then he will begin to really work, and as his will develops and his knowledge grows, he begins to enter into the Circles of Joy, and each day’s work will lead him closer to the great Giver of all joy and each day will make him a better child of God. As his work continues it will teach him a joy of which he has now no conception, for there is an inner radiance of the spirit which surpasses anything of which he has dreamed, and only in obedient work for God can he find this.
Each day will open new opportunities to do his work well and to learn more and more while doing it, and as his vision enlarges his joy floods into his whole soul and makes him a new being, for this radiance in the spirit is utterly unlike any joy that he has known before. This is the spiritual side of what is known as earthly joy and is infinitely deeper and more real. Only as his obedience and trust become more developed will he enter into these Circles, and until he is of the Circles of Joy he is not entirely of the life of the spirit.
After once entering therein his greatest punishment would be to lose this light, and no man can lose it except by willfully turning from his work. The further he goes into the Circles, the greater will be his fall if he ever turns away, for of all destructive forces, the greatest are the fallen angels, and to be of these forces is to be forever outside spiritual force. To be outside spiritual force is to never be of real power, to never belong to the builders of creation, to be only onlookers at the great work and never participators. Better the end of those who are only stupid and blind that that of those who willfully turn from the knowledge and light they have known and been given on earth! For this knowledge and light must be asked for to be given and are given only to those who promise to use them wisely for teaching others.
The joy that comes from the knowledge and understanding of these Circles is beyond all price, but whoever will not pay the price of helpful work is condemned to spiritual diminution of power, because each lost opportunity brings diminished spiritual power, and to willfully turn away from the great insight given is to deny belief and God. Therefore, those who have never heard of or studied these teachings are better able to progress than the one who asks for knowledge and for light and, after receiving both, turns away.
The light that comes in all spiritual teaching when once we begin to apprehend the truth will bring a very complete realization of the joy that can only be found in this way. All earthly joy pales and becomes of no value in the light that knows no ending either on earth or here.
All earthly life and emotions have their spiritual counterparts beside which they actually seem a vague dream, and particularly is this so of joy. Spiritual joy can no more be compared to the pleasures that earth gives than you can compare the candle light to that of the sun. When once this light is comprehended no lesser joy will be able to satisfy.
To belong to the Circles of Joy, therefore, is to begin to enter into one’s heritage, and to those who have carefully studied will be given this new and blessed privilege on earth.
This is the first lesson on Joy.

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When one enters into the Circles of Joy the inner radiance is so great that it must be shared, and each one that actually spreads this truth will enter more and more fully into these Circles, and as his comprehension deepens his work becomes more vital to him and to those whom he teaches, for to start each new soul on this quest for his heritage is of all privileges the greatest. To be able to sow the seed of belief in eternal life is to belong to the great powers which rule all of the universe, and as each seed is sown the joy of creation itself is known to the sower.
When once this inner radiance is given to evidence that the work is good, he who has felt it will be of the Circles of Joy, and to each will come this wonderful inner illumination as he continues on the path to God, and as his inner light and personality. Each time he sows the seed wisely his radiance increases and his power is enlarged. Each time he fails to work as he should his light is dimmed, and only prayer and renewed effort can make up for the work willfully neglected.
All work must be done with prayer. All seed must be blessed by prayer. The importance of prayer which is communion with God’s spirit cannot be overestimated. Prayer is the uplifting of man’s spirit to his Creator in utter willingness to obey, in utter love, and entire surrender of self. True prayer asks for only that which is God’s will, for He knows far better than we can what is best for each one of us, and God will give to each one only that which will enable him to lead the life intended for him.
As a happy little child takes from his father all that is intended to give him pleasure, so man will take from His Father all the blessings He intends for him, and all the riches of earth, all earthly pleasures are for him, only he must use them wisely in helping others.
All riches are, like the ten talents, a trust from a loving Father who will ask you one day how you have used them, and to him who has used them wisely will be added in great measure. And each day of wise purpose brings new joy and the heart is flooded with further radiance until it over flows on all around, for this joy can only be fully known when it is shared with all who will listen, and no man can tell of the heart hunger of those who seek the light until he talks to them and opens the gates of resistance.
Each seed sown on fertile ground will bear a great harvest and each seed sown among the rocks may develop ultimately into a willingness to hear and learn, so no seed is lost to the sower and the joy of the harvest will be beyond our comprehension.
This is the second lesson on Joy.

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As a man enters more fully into a comprehension of the limitless possibilities opened by this work, he will not only give more time to it and to prayer, but he will be increasingly able to give more help to others; and the more he gives, the more he will receive, for unlike earthly treasure, the more one gives the more one has, and there is no joy equal to that of sharing.
To be the means of bringing this joy to others, who have not known it, is to be doubly blessed. To be able to give all of one’s time to this work is to be of the forces which work forever with God. It means to be utterly free in the future to work how and where one will. To man is given complete freedom to turn whenever he will to God on earth, but when he turns of his own accord to Him and willingly asks the teaching of his guides, he will be entirely free in the future from all limitation to acquire whatever knowledge he desires.
When man learns what there is to do in the universe he will be sorry for anything that causes delay, and each day of delay will be an evidence of his willfulness or blindness. Each day of delay makes his will less strong and makes it more difficult when he finally turns. Habit is harder to break than it is to form, and worldly habits are very difficult to throw off. Each day of delay is forging chains which must be broken if he is to turn to spiritual life in the end.
All those who would be of the Circles should be very careful how they work and how they are living, being careful to work only when they are very sure of their pure purpose and of their loving, unselfish and understanding heart and mind. Those who work otherwise are opening their minds and souls to the evil forces who are always watching for a chance to open communication with the world. And in this there is always danger, for no one can tell what effect evil suggestions may have upon his mind, and to be of pure mind is necessary to do all work of this kind.
For man to belong to the Circles brings great responsibilities because he will be given much knowledge and we will expect him to understand that this is given only for the use of the world. When he uses it wisely he will know by the inner radiance that his work is good. He will never understand what this radiance is until he has entered into it and learned to know it for himself. When once one has lived by this light he can never be quite the same. One can never be as hard and unloving as he was before, and as one enters more fully into the Circles of Joy, this light grows and grows. Each day of service adds to it and each day passed without sharing it dims its radiance.
To live in this light is to live as the saints have lived in the joy of the daily and constant communion with the spirit of God. When man lives in this light nothing can touch him that comes from the world and his one thought will be how to help those who do not know this light, and start them on the way.
When his whole life is one of service, his joy will be great and his entrance into his Circles will be assured, and each day of service will bring him new joy and more light and understanding. When he is fully in his Circles he will be a spiritual being, and not until then can he really be of the spirit. When he has fanned the spark given him into a steady flame he will be entirely of the Circles, and he will gradually pass from one Circle to another until he is eventually a member of the highest, the Circle of Love. And when that day comes he will be a wonderful spirit and will be able to do all those things which are called miracles, but which are all done under the law.
To work towards this goal is what God wishes us to do, and on each step of the way to take others with us. To study and work and teach without ceasing, and to willingly trust that all we need will be given us. And each day of service will bring us deeper joy and understanding, and each joy shared is doubly ours, and all life will be a sowing on earth of the seed of eternal life.
This is the third lesson on Joy.

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When man learns that all that stands between him and existence in the spiritual world is a lack of conformity to God’s laws, he will try to do better. He only needs the will to obey and then, consciously or unconsciously, his guide can reach him, and each day of real endeavor to do as God wishes will make the path easier to follow. As his insight grows his joy will increase and his work will be better done.
Once started on this path, he will never turn back unless he is so filled with the arrogance that power brings that he prefers to use the power for his own ends. The he must take his great punishment and struggle through eons to be forgiven and to win back his spark of spirit. This he can do by hard struggle, but he can never be of the same degree of power, nor can he ever again be trusted with the great work of teaching, which is the greatest privilege given to man.
To be allowed to turn others into the path of pure joy is a wonderful work. To add to the light of the universe is a great privilege, for each soul that comes into the way of life sheds its own light and radiance wherever it goes, and adds to the whole light of the worlds. To be allowed to share in this great work of creation is to be given a great and glorious part.
Happy will be he who takes his place therein, for the joy derived from this work is beyond all comprehension, and to him who enter this path and continues therein faithfully will be given all power, knowledge and joy, and to be of these happy ones is to be greatly blessed. But it means work and study and time given to teaching others how to find the same path for themselves, and to do this requires the will to work and the wisdom to clear the way from earthly interruption, for each bit of knowledge gained by study is a bit of light on the pathway. Work prayerfully and grow in power!
This is the fourth lesson on Joy.

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To be of the Circles of Joy is to be of complete self-control so that all the things of the world, which would ordinarily make us sad or depressed, no longer have power over us. To be of such complete self-control that we live in the radiance of daily communion with God, and no lesser thing matters.
To the soul seeking perfection imperfections are of no consequence, for he knows that they all must come to approximate perfection in time, and the only disturbing thought is that a soul will never be of the same power if it cannot be awakened to the full meaning of life. To the soul seeking ultimate perfection, the joy of knowledge is beyond words to describe. All that we could get of earthly treasure could not give us one iota of such joy, and all that we need to do to have this blessing is to be obedient in heart and mind to our loving Father.
When we turn with daily prayer to God we are opening the door, and when we turn minute by minute to do His will we are really obedient. When we are utterly obedient we will be of the Circles of Joy and all that we do and say will be well done and said, and when we are really of these Circles, we will be able to reach through and find whom we will on the third plane.
For man to be in constant touch with those whom he has lost is a great privilege, and he can only do so when he is in complete harmony with his guides. To be thus in harmony means being pure of heart and purpose and willing to do all that we can to follow God’s law. When man is thus obedient he will develop the communication which he desires and, as his power grows, he will realize what vision means, for there is a spiritual vision by which we see and hear spiritual teachers and others who have gone on, even more clearly than we see and hear earthly things. But except in a few individual cases this is only earned by much study and hard work. To be of these gifted ones is to be very close to spirit life, but in developing this power man must not neglect his worldly duties, because not to do what he is to do in the world lessens his power again.
To find the spiritual significance behind each of earth’s lessons is to acquire power. To see only the spiritual through the outer garment is to begin to have vision. To try to turn to the light each one with whom one comes in contact is to be of the Circles and to work with one’s guides, and whoever does this gain in spiritual power. To those who work consciously day by day will be given both sight and hearing of a very high order, for this power is given in different degrees to those who prove worthy, and only as long as it is wholly used for the benefit of others and to give help on the way, will it continue to be granted.
This power can be developed very far if one is wise and faithful when trusted with it, and only when it is wisely used will it continue to be given. No material longing must enter in, only the desire for fuller spiritual life and the proof of the continuation of life and love, for real earth love is never lost, nor, when life is wisely lived, is there ever further separation.
This is the fifth lesson on Joy.

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Where is the man who, seeing the doors to a great and beautiful future open before him, will turn away for a troubled life? Yet that is just what each one does in the world day after day. The doors to everlasting life and joy stand open and man will not even look to see for himself what lies beyond.
Even the radiance of the spirit testified to be those who know it for themselves does not open eyes blind to spiritual life. Only when shaken by sorrow and loss, they lose for the moment all interest in earthly life, will they listen, and only to these can this message of joy be fully given. To find those who are in sorrow, to comfort them by the hope of communication with those whom they have lost, is a work of great service, and this service is the work of those who believe for the sorrowing and the desolate of the world. To visit the sorrowful and the fatherless and to bring joy into their lives is to live the life as God wishes we should. Only then do we enter fully into the Circles of Joy, an only then are we fully of the spirit.
To be in close communion with God is to do His work as He would have it done. All who do this are of the radiant Circles of Joy and bear a light into the darkness, willingly rejoicing with those who do rejoice and weeping with those who weep. But they will teach those who weep that they have hope and joy in the future and that the way they have found so long and dark has a great and beautiful ending, if only they will open their eyes and see for themselves. And when they have learned how to do this, they will enter the Circles of Truth.
This is the sixth lesson on joy.

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