First Lesson on Will.mp3
First Lesson on Will.wav
First Lesson on Will.flac
Second Lesson on Will
God has given will to man and if we do that which He wishes us to do, we shall be of the Circles who will carry out His plans. Are we to be worthy of this great faith in us to which we seem so blind? Are we too to sell our birthright for a mess of potage? If we are to work as we should we will begin and now, and , as we begin, we exercise our will, and in that exercise it develops and grows, and eventually it leads us to knowledge. So to learn to use our will is the first step to Circles.
On earth men will develop what they will to develop. Are we to be of forces who do not intend to follow the law? We are free to choose and on our choice depends the future of each one of us.
To deliberately turn from those things on earth which hamper our progress is to enter the Circles of the Will. To stamp out the spirit of willfulness and to learn utter self-control is to be of the Circles of Will. To so conquer our worldly interests we must overcome both self and outside influences. If we are to attain we must work and work hard, and this brings us into the Circles of the Will.
If we are to grow spiritually, we will to grow.
If we are to achieve, we will to achieve.
If we are to learn, we will to learn.
Whatever man accomplishes he does through will. Whatever we do, we do by the exercise of the will, no matter how insignificant it may be, and to learn to control and direct our will, therefore, is most important to us, and the first step is self-control.
To be absolute master of ourselves and our moods is to begin to be of power. Until this is achieved we cannot do fully that which we are told to do. We are not always able to accomplish this, but each step forward carries us further on the path to ultimate success. Each man must learn self-control some time, and the sooner he starts the greater his power.
Man would lose identity if he had to learn by force, so to each one is given complete freedom of choice as to when and how he will begin, and in his own hands rests his own destiny. We will not become fully developed spirits when we leave the earth plane if we have not started the development of our will while on earth, and will is quite distinct from willfulness there and here. Will implies complete self-mastery and self-control.
To will to utterly obey God’s laws mean entire self-mastery. To say “Thy will, not mine, be done,” means perfect obedience through the will, and leads us to greater power than we ever dreamed of on earth. We will come only through this conquest into our full inheritance.
This is the second lesson Will. Pray and study and learn all of life’s lessons.

Second Lesson on Will.mp3
Second Lesson on Will.wav
Second Lesson on Will.flac
Third Lesson on Will
When man begins to cultivate his will, he begins to be of those Circles which fully understand the power of the will, and each step that he achieves leads him to further knowledge of the Circles to which he belongs, and as his knowledge grows his understanding of the ultimate truth broadens, while each time that he learns a little portion of the great and living truth, he becomes better able to enter into the work of his Circles.
When he finally has conquered what this Circle holds for him, he passes on into Knowledge, and to each is given a portion of the truth of all the Circles if they steadily work. Where is the man who will work without light on where he is going? Where is the man who with the vision of great achievement before him will turn away? And each day of work open new vistas.
Eventually man will be little lower than the angels, but to become this he must do his part to his full capacity, and each day that he defers starting on his real work is a day lost. God put man in a material world to test his ability to find the real among the false things in the midst of which he lives, and when he has tried the pleasures of earth and found how little real satisfaction they bring him, he begins to look for something beyond, and if he is sincere in his search he begins to will to find the truth, and then he enters into his Circles. And as he seeks his will grows and his knowledge is increased.
He may be unconscious of the spiritual guides who surround and aid him, but his own desire for only that which will be of benefit to al will keep him on the path, and as he works he grows, and in growing his eyes are opened more and more to the real worth of life until he enters into conscious communion with the spirits of God.
This is the third lesson on Will.

Third Lesson on Will.mp3
Third Lesson on Will.wav
Third Lesson on Will.flac
To be able to be complete master of ourselves we will have to turn to the spiritual forces, for without the inspiration and guidance they give us we would be unable to follow that which we are told to do. To enter the Circles would be impossible without spiritual help, and that help we are given by the guides whose privilege it is to serve your world.
To be alive to these forces is to be of great power and of great blessedness on earth, an later here with the eternal forces. To be able to work with these forces is to be spiritually alive. Are we to do well that which God intended us to do, or are we to be blind to what is the best in life?
In making this choice man asserts his will, and in his utter freedom to choose when he will turn to God lays his complete freedom of the will. To give all of himself to his living Father is a free gift, which he alone can make. To determine when he will turn is to exert his free will, and having once turned, to keep in the path, is to exert his will hourly. To rise each time he stumbles and to continue on his way, he must exert his will. To learn to willingly give up his own desires, to do as he is told, means self-mastery, and self-mastery is only acquired through the exercise of the will.
To achieve anything man must use his will spiritually or materially, and when he once learns how to exercise this faculty, he begins to be of worth in the Circles, and as he grows in power he will enter more fully into Knowledge.
When one he has achieved Will, then he will be able to enter the Circles of Knowledge. But to achieve will mean complete self-control, and this means power to think and will t perform. Even to be of Circles, we must be controlled in all our feelings and in all our moods, an until man has learned this urgent lesson, he cannot go on to the further and more advanced forces to which he would belong.
This is the end of the fourth lesson on Will.

Fourth Lesson on Will.mp3
Fourth Lesson on Will.wav
Fourth Lesson on Will.flac
Fifth Lesson on Will
When man turns to God he deliberately wills to surrender his own way and to walk in the path which God chooses as best for him, an each day of obedient service will open new light everywhere to him. Are we to be as willing workers in God’s vineyard even at the eleventh hour?
For the Lord of the vineyard in his mercy has said that we can enter when we will even unto the last hour, and though the time we lost in waiting will never be made up, yet our work is helping to shorten the time of waiting for the blessed end. We all in time will be at the same place of judgment to answer for our lives, and great as God’s mercy is, the complete freedom he has given to man makes him fully responsible for his own actions at all times.
Far more tenderly than we would judge a beloved, little child, God will judge us, and w need have no fear of His judgment, but when the day comes that we see all that we might have done before us, we will be far sterner to ourselves than any judge would be, and the lost hours will condemn us to our own minds. Not only lost hours of opportunity but lost hours of the joy which only comes with perfect obedience to God’s will. And the first step to that utter harmony is will.
To recognize that we are on earth for a definite purpose and to ally ourselves with that purpose means an effort must be mad daily, hour by hour, an eventually we shall accomplish what we would. No failure must discourage nor must time be wasted in futile regrets. To arise from each stumble with firmer purpose and more determined will to conquer in the end, is to be on the road to success. To open our hearts and minds to God’s love and sunshine, to refuse to be downcast over mistakes, will require strong effort of our will.
Are we to achieve without work? No strong foundation was ever built without effort and each stone of our spiritual foundation must be securely laid. We shall only be able t work with our full power when we willingly conform to all of God’s laws, and when we have become thus obedient through our own will, we shall love our brother as ourselves and so bring the earth world into more complete working harmony with the spiritual world.
Work hard, therefore, children of men, because on your effort much depends.
This is the fifth lesson on Will.
Love, work, and study. We are always with you.

Fifth Lesson on Will.mp3
Fifth Lesson on Will.wav
Fifth Lesson on Will.flac
Sixth Lesson on Will
As in his work day by day man willingly turns to God, his power of comprehension further develops and he will apprehend what that truth is which he could not in the least understand before, while about him close are spiritual guides, and these guides will never leave him as long as he works with his full strength and as long as his heart is open to God’s love and sunshine.
Whenever man turns to God and lives according to His laws, he feels in his heart a radiant joy that fills his whole life with content. Are we to pass this great and wonderful privilege by? Are we to be clods when we might be searchlights? Are we to be content with the shadow when we might have the substance? Are we to be of worthless energy which must return again to earth’s lesson?
All that is to be done must be done in the beginning while we are on earth before we can go to further planets and experiences, and only when we will be God’s obedient children can we progress, and the first step on the journey is to will.
This is the sixth and last lesson on will.

Sixth Lesson on Will.mp3
Sixth Lesson on Will.wav
Sixth Lesson on Will.flac