To enter these last and greatest Circles is to be of really unlimited power, for before one is fully in these Circles he must be a master of all the others and of entire self-control, filled with love for all mankind and completely detached from all materialism and from all selfishness. Only when the soul has attained to the greatest heights of earthly love and self-denial can it walk in the light of these Circles, and to that soul nothing is impossible.
All of the life of the spirit is open to it and all the light of knowledge and understanding. Not many achieve to this degree but those who do are utterly happy, because to them is revealed the eternal truth and they know and have faith in the ultimate end. To them the dark places are filled with light and to them the little shadows are full of benefit as gentle discipline.
To these happy souls the change from earthly to spiritual life is but a step and a joyous freedom from the heavy weight of materialism. As a child goes happily through school, they go happily through the school of earthly life. Each day’s work well done is one step further on the way and each step brings clearer understanding.
To walk through life gently, filled with love and kindness, bearing a lighted torch for all to see and for all to light theirs by, is a well-lived life, and, simple as it seems, there are few who so live. Yet this is the life lived by Christ and the example we are told to follow, and this is the life of the Kingdom.
To have a few much-loved friends, to live simply with an open heart to all who seek light, and to be always ready to help each one who asks for help, is to live the life of the spirit.
To be gentle, to be kind to all, to be a living example of the faith you try to live by, will take you far into the Circles of Love.
This is the first lesson on Love.

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The supreme height of love that can be reached on earth was attained by Christ and, through His knowledge of spiritual laws, He worked the miracles that today science is trying to ignore or explain away. These miracles were all done according to laws, for God does not break His laws, but can in this way work what the unknowing call miracles, and this has been done at all times and in all ages since man has inhabited the earth.
There have always been those initiates who knew and could work with these laws, and in this way much knowledge has been handed down from one to another. When the ages have given up their secrets it will be found that the light of spiritual knowledge has always been aglow for those who sought to find, and that no one has truly sought in vain. Always this light is given in some way or another if he who seeks is in earnest and has a humble and obedient spirit.
Little by little his knowledge and understanding will grow until his whole idea of life will change, and a new and constructive plan will take the place of what seemed to him a meaningless jumble, and as his ideas change his life itself must change also and conform to those laws which he begins to dimly apprehend.
Not that he should change his mode of life or his place therein or his friends, but that now, with this light in his spirit, he can give more fully that sympathy and love which bring him into close relationship with all who are near him. As the range of his sympathy enlarges the circle of his influence is increased, and as he sheds his light he illumines all about him, and so his work is done.
To work in this way day after day is to be of those powers who work for God. It is living up to the highest possibilities one can and it is preparing one’s self for further development, for all of life is a constant development if one obeys those laws to which he is subject. All do not work consciously in the right direction but all do not achieve success, and those who do work consciously are laying foundations that will surprise them when they become aware of the importance of life there and here, and the greatest of all foundation stones is love.
All spiritual life is founded thereon and all development must come through love. Without love there can be no spiritual life and without love there can be no real progress. Only as one cultivates and develops this spiritual quality can one really grow, and the more perfect the love the more completely one is free from selfishness. Filled with love, the spirit blossoms like a lovely flower full of perfume and giving delight to all who come near. Without love, it lives and dies and no one cares or is the poorer for its passing.
Love is like a ray of sunshine which warms and cheers each one whom it touches. Love is like a magical wand which can transmute all baser metals into the pure gold of spirit. Love can never be bought or sold. Love is of all emotions the most diving and the most perfect expression of God.
This is the second lesson on Love.

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As man begins to develop as he is intended to develop on earth, he expresses more and more perfectly the divine attributes. Being made in the image of God, he will be expected to attain to his full stature as he develops under His laws, and until he comes into full perfection he will not be fully developed.
Christ came as an example of what can be achieved on earth if one will work with one’s spiritual guides. But development does not end with earth life nor can perfection be attained there. Even we who have gone many steps beyond you have no conception of the ultimate end, but as we see the wonderful development of our teachers, we have some idea of where we are going, and as our ideals rise our struggles to attain become more steadfast and persistent.
Once the foundations are securely laid the work grows in importance and in joy and sympathy. But even here our struggles are by no means over. The road to perfection is a long hard struggle, but our life can be filled with joy by following our guides instead of trying to fight on in the darkness alone, and he who works with joy will accomplish far more for himself and all about him than he who strives no matter how hard, with a stern and set face.
To be joyous, to be gay, to be loving and without thought of self brings a great reward. To lighten the gloomy places and to pour love and sunshine into the dark spots is to do one’s duty fully. As the difference between a bright and sunshiny day and a dark and gloomy one, so is the difference between a joyous and a sad spirit.
To walk erect in God’s sunshine with joy and love filling one’s heart and soul is to be of the Circles of Love, but the foundation stones of these Circles must be laid in the Circles of Will, where perfect self-control brings serenity of spirit which no materialism can disturb.
Strive, study, work and love to the utmost of your ability, and be of these radiant Circles who wait eagerly for you.
This is the third lesson on love.

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As one lifts one’s spirit towards the things of the spirit which alone give life to all material things, one comes into a new relationship with life. Gradually a new apprehension of the spiritual meaning will fill one’s life and soul, and constructive action allying one’s self to one’s spiritual guides will take the place of the old purposeless life.
When we realize that every action has a spiritual and deep significance, if we live as we should, we will carefully guard that action and see that it has the right significance for others and for ourselves. To hold with perfect serenity a thought of perfect love in all our relationships and contact, is to live under the law of Love.
To be undisturbed by the actions of others, knowing that all unkindness is only a lack of light and that every broken law brings it own punishment to the sinner, is to live under the law of love. To know that the reason one is in the world is for development through loving, unselfish aid to those who have lost or who cannot find their way, is to work in one’s Circles.
To give the best that is in one freely and lovingly at all times is to be of the Circles of Love. To purge one’s heart of all malice and of all desire to hurt again those who have hurt us, is to be of the Circles of Love which leads further into eternal life than any can dream who have not passed the portals to life here.
To live knowing that what you call death is the open door to all real life and opportunity, and that those who have come here would no more willingly return than a child would return to the embryo life, is to begin to realize the significance of life.
To live in the light of the Circles of Love is to realize that we live tenderly guarded and guided by a loving, all-wise power, and to cast all fear aside and trust to that power, following where the guides lead and helping all who are near. And to him who struggles upward on the path will be given a full and complete freedom from earthly fear and from material, destructive forces, and to him will come the perfect and utter serenity of peace which those of the world can never otherwise find.
This is the fourth lesson on Love.

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To live in the light of God’s love is to live in tender, loving sympathy with all who are near us. Only when His love is shared with all with whom we come in contact can we be said to really posses it ourselves, and no living thing and no human being, no matter how seemingly unworthy, is ever outside this love, and in order to fulfill our function in life, we must fully express this love and tender thought for all who are near us.
As God guards and guides us day by day, leaving us perfectly free to do what we will, so should we do to those around us, and no departure from the path pointed out by us in life must ever influence our thought of love for the willful one. As we fail with greater understanding, we must expect others to fail. Are we to receive forgiveness and not forgive others? And the quantity of our mercy will show the quality of our loving understanding.
Only when we put in practice the love we know and desire can we come into fuller understanding of that love, and as we consciously day by day and hour by hour, practice the attributes of love, we begin to realize what love can be. Yet the highest expression of love on earth is a poor shadow of real love, and as we develop we learn little by little of God’s love for us, but we can only learn this through the expression of love for others. We must express love in order to acquire more power of loving, and the fuller the expression the greater the power.
To be of these Circles is to be of limitless power, but to be of these Circles is to be of utter an loving perfection. Few achieve on earth but those who really try are on the way and will achieve one day, and while everyone must eventually come under the law, only those who begin during their life there come into full power.
To be of full power means not to have failed to turn while there to God and to have consciously sought for guidance, and it also means to live the life to the best of one’s ability, doing all that one can for others and, while in the world and of the world, keeping one’s spiritual point of view. Only complete harmony and serenity can accomplish this and only by daily and hourly effort can this serenity be found.
To be entirely detached from all material things and to be of the spiritual live only in heart, while outwardly living as all others, is to be of the Circles. To rise above all earthly troubles into the pure ether of spiritual life and power, gaily meeting the daily disturbances of earthly life and filled with the joy of helpfulness, is to be of the Circles of Love.
To express in all relationships the tender sympathy of loving understanding, to do all that is humanly possible to smooth the path for others, to turn minute by minute to the loving, all-wise Father who holds all His children tenderly in the hollow of His hand, knowing that while living in this trust only good can possibly reach you, is to be of the Circles of Love.
This is the fifth lesson on Love.

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The fullest development that comes on earth leads one into these Circles of Love, and only when one’s lesson is perfectly learned is one of these highest Circles of all.
Before we can be of these Circles we must be perfect in all others, and to few will come the complete mastery essential, but one day’s work may take one so very far into the Circles that one can never tell how far he may go. One great act of unselfish love may carry one to supreme spiritual heights, just as one careless, selfish act may cast one very far down in the scale, but the oftener one rises to the heights the easier it becomes to remain there.
As it is difficult to acquire complete self-control, so it is difficult to become a really spiritual being, for man is not born a spirit and he can only become one through his will and his effort. To be of the highest needs supreme effort and a great desire that never falters. Yet all may achieve if they will without ceasing and if they steadfastly lead the life of the spirit.
To be of those who achieve will be to be of those shining ones whose work will be pronounced good by the Lord who judges, and to these will come a reward that is only for them to know when their work is finally judged.
But as they work, to them is given a peace that passes understanding and joy that never fails.
This is the sixth lesson on Love.

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