When man has learned how to use his will and consciously to work with his spiritual guides, he enters into the Circles of Knowledge. Eventually he goes on to knowledge and power that are practically limitless, but in order to do this he must give time and study and when he gives them he will reap a reward greater than he can possibly dream.
Are we to throw away all chance to be of real power? Are we to play always, or are we to take our place in the work of creation? To know these spiritual truths is to be of power and living usefulness. As this knowledge is given, man must willingly obey his guides and then he enters the Circles to which he belongs.
When he is in Circles his only thought will be how to work to the best advantage, and when he is able to see the wonderful work he has done he will gratefully continue in the way, and the path of knowledge is filled with delight to the one who enters therein. As his mind opens and develops this work is filled with possibilities that would have seemed incredible to him before.
When man learns how to use this knowledge and power he will be of use to all who seek light, and in this helpful work he will learn more and more of those spiritual possibilities to which he is now so blind, and will believe more and more fully what his guides tell him.
For until the light of the spirit, which only obedience to God’s laws gives, illuminates his mind, he cannot apprehend spiritual truth, and all knowledge has a deeper spiritual significance to which he will gradually open mind and soul, and when once man’s mind opens to this way of apprehending the deeper truth which underlies all knowledge, he will be of the Circles of Joy. Only then will he be able to love as he should, and when he is filled with love and life becomes a radiant way for him, he will be in the Circles of Understanding.
To apprehend spiritual truth is to be of great power in the realms of thought to which we belong by right as children of God, for thought is the function of the mind which should co-ordinate and co-operate with the feeling of both soul and heart, both parts of man’s spiritual self, and until he learns to use all theses parts with equal obedience to God’s laws, he cannot be fully developed, for when man comes to his full development he will be as powerful in his mind as in his soul, and will be as the angels are today.
Spirit has existed always and the spark that exists in each individual has no beginning nor ending. To man is given the opportunity to fan his own little spark into a flame. The divine fire is there for him to cherish or destroy as he will. Not that it can really be destroyed, but that which he calls personality can be destroyed by refusal to do that for which he came into being.
Those who turn to their guides are well over earth’s lessons and trials. All others must return again and again. All do not necessarily consciously ally themselves with and communicate with their guides, but only when they do can they work with their full power, and whoever turns to his guides there on earth will become of the greatest help in working with all those powers which work for God, and will be of those who are with God for eternity.
And whoever would be of wise forces will begin and now, for the work to be done is great and the everlasting foundations must be laid. Work hard, therefore, day by day! Study and learn and teach!
All that man can do is to be willing to work as God would have him. To love and trust and go where the path opens, and there spread the doctrine he knows, to be a source of teaching the truth to all who come in touch with him, to work in this way in the vineyard where he has been placed, to be an inspiration and an example to those around him, this is the way to follow the law which God has made for man.
When man follows this law and puts himself in conscious communication with his guides, he will enter into such joy as he has never imagined and life will be a radiant way in which he walks.
This is the first lesson on Knowledge.

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To dream away one’s life without following out life’s numerous lessons is to waste time and energy. To work to the full of one’s strength and ability is to be of value. To love and study and teach service is to do God’s will. To reach all those who need help and light and to start them on the path for themselves, such is man’s work wherever he may be, and the circle of his influence spreads as he goes on life’s pathway.
To be the means of starting other on the path of joy and service is a great work. To bring more rays of light into a darkened world is service. To be of help in the most vital thing in man’s life is to be of service. To bring joy where sorrow was is to be of service. To love and serve is the highest service. To love and serve is the highest expression of life. To be of the foundation stones of life, is to work consciously with God and with Circles. To teach men how to find the door to eternal life and to open it for themselves, as they must, implies great devotion and service, and to do this wisely is to be of the Circle of knowledge.
To turn away from the material for the spiritual will take both will and knowledge. To learn how to so give this message that all who hear will desire to work, is to be of the Circles of knowledge. To take them progressively step by step on the path you have followed, to teach with utter confidence that what you should say will be given you, to so live that you will not be a contradiction of your own words, to follow in the pathway shown by Christ’s teaching, to teach all who will listen to be joyous and live in loving trust, is to be of the Circles of knowledge.
To take no thought for the morrow, knowing that all good is given by God to his loving children, and to live wherever you may be placed in life in complete harmony with all those with whom you come in contact, is to be of the Circles of Knowledge.
To see only the divine spark under all the faults and failings caused by materialism, t rise above all pettiness and personalities, to work and wait not knowing when the seed planted will develop and bear fruit, to sow with a lavish hand in order that some seed may grow, is to be of the Circles of Knowledge.
For some the path is more difficult to climb than for others, but the reward is the same, and as glimpses of these possibilities are given the way grows easier to each on, and as heart and mind open, the flood of God’s sunshine pours in and all life is illuminated by Christ’s love and knowledge.
When man is one able to consciously work with his guides, life will be a very different thing for him, and all the care that seemed so overwhelming will be as nothing in his new understanding of life’s meaning. His one thought will be how best to do his work for God and the world, and life’s whole meaning will be changed.
To be of power we must be able to do as we are told by our guides, and that means study and reflection on all that we learn in this way. All that we read by those who have also been taught, is to be given careful attention, for truth seem from different angles will be light on the path to knowledge, and those who are in true touch with their guides will soon be able to discriminate the real from the fancy of others.
To so keep an open mind that every truth will be quickly assimilated while the mistakes of fancy will be thrown aside as is the chaff, will be of great value, and this belongs to the Circles of Knowledge.
Each day of open-minded and intelligent search will lead him further into these circles, and as his knowledge and power grow his work will develop and broaden. Each hour of study helps him on his way, and each hour of work in God’s vineyard make him of greater power, for all knowledge must be used in giving this light to others if it is to be given more and more fully to him who asks for power.
No selfishness can enter in without its interfering with belief and development, and no envy nor willingness to deprive other of larger growth. To rejoice in each other’s growth and light is part of the Circles of Knowledge. To learn to be selfless, giving to all with a bountiful hand, asking only for a chance to do one’s work well, is to be of the Circles of Knowledge.
To rejoice in each one’s growth, to forget one’s self entirely and to live in God’s love as only a happy little child lives, is to be of the Circles of Knowledge. To greet each new day as a further opportunity for work and happiness in God’s love, is to be of the Circles of Knowledge, and to him that hath and uses will what he hath, shall be added.
This is the second lesson on Knowledge.

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To learn the deeper spiritual significance that lies under all knowledge is to come very close to the meaning of nature and of God, and man can only do this when he takes to his study and work an open mind and a loving heart. Only then can he be in the necessary sympathetic understanding which will enable him to read the deeper meaning, and when that day comes, and little by little the heart of nature is disclosed to him, his wonder will grow and grow.
You today go through the world with your eyes blinded and your ears closed to all the divine harmony, and only when man is spiritually alive can he catch the great rhythm that is always there but to which his eyes and ears are closed. To learn how to become alive to this harmony is to come into the Circles of Knowledge, and, once having learned, to still be able to live in the world and be of it without losing the better part, requires much will and wisdom.
To pass the material for the spiritual means wisdom. To continually will to succeed in the spiritual life means a daily and continuous desire, and each day of effort brings deeper understanding and joy, for only by work and utter obedience can this great and blessed privilege be acquired by man.
All spiritual teaching is founded on truth and only by careful study can the wheat be separated from the chaff. To study, therefore, is of much importance, to weigh and ponder and discriminate, and each grain of truth added to one’s treasure soon makes a large and bountiful harvest.
Work therefore day by day, and share as you work with all who will listen.
This is the third lesson on Knowledge.

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When man in his blindness and selfishness refuses to obey God’s laws, he is unable to join his guides and to work with them, and, after leaving this earth, he must return again to earth, and so he goes through trial after trial until he proves his worth or his worthlessness. Each trial finds him of lower spiritual Circles and each trial will make the fight harder for him, but he will be given many opportunities and only when he proves himself of no value will he be cast out.
To be able to progress each one must ally himself with his guides, either consciously or by so living that the result is the same manner of life, though without his guides no man can ever work with his full power, and each man can ever work with his full power, and each man can find his guides if he perseveres in the search for them. Persistent effort and constant study will be required if man is to achieve that power which is necessary to work with these forces, but the reward is so great that nothing he could do would be half enough.
As for the poor blind souls who turn willfully away from their loving Father, they too eventually return to the light, but not as spiritual forces, and they will be of the forces which, like disobedient children, are not wholly of their father’s house.
Nothing is destroyed, and like attracts like, so disobedient force is joined to forces which are of darkness or destructive energy, and to the spiritual forces is given the work of redemption, first there on earth, later working from the third plane with those on earth and with the delayed spirits in the second plane.
The spirits of the second plane are those who have been more stupid than bad and who will be able to go on after they have been given further instruction.
Those spirits who mist return again to earth’s lessons go to a planet where they are taught while they wait for a chance for re-birth, and their teachers are the angels themselves who have never known sin, for every attempt that is possible is mad to redeem each living soul.
Therefore the work of doing all that one can on earth is most important, and to do this well means to be of the Circles of Knowledge.
This is the fourth lesson on Knowledge.

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Certain men are not able because of environment and education to believe what they cannot prove by what they call logic, and these will only be delayed a short time after they leave the earth plane. There are special guides waiting for them, ready to teach them when they are able to learn what they did not learn on earth, and these guides are of a very high order of spiritual intelligence.
All that a man has heard and pondered over, perhaps in part rejecting because of the education that demands positive proof, will really be a part of his unconscious belief which has had much influence on his life. Everything that he has worked on conscientiously will be of value, whether with his limited knowledge he accepts it there or not, and all that he brings is part of his ultimate spiritual force. All that he thinks or does goes to make up his personality. No thought is lost or gone. Thoughts are living facts which are as indestructible as any other force. A thought of hate creates and atmosphere of its own which makes a thick mist around the one who feels it, and this mist can only be dispelled by the light rays which are induced by love.
All love is creative and is part of light, and when man begins to understand the divine idea behind all life, he will be astonished at the extent of its possibilities and new ideas will come t him at every turn, and he will carry in his heart and also in his mind a new light which will be love. Love which will reach out and include everything which god has made and especially each individual who has not yet the blessing of this wonderful truth.
To love is the fullest expression of God, and only when man loves will he be in the highest spiritual Circles, and to love is to be patient, long-suffering and forgiving no matter what is done.
When man learns that nothing actually can hurt him that is done by man, he will be more ready to forgive and help the poor soul who has no light. To believe is to live the life, to forgive your enemies, to diffuse the light of love, and to help and reach all around you, and so enter into the full communion with the Christ spirit. To whoever can do this will be given the light that passes understanding.
This is the fifth lesson on Knowledge.

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When love of his fellow man has so filled the heart of man that he looks for only the divine spark and ignores all else, he will be in the Circles of true knowledge, for the greatest thing is life and all that goes to make or influence it--all other knowledge takes a lesser place. Life is the supreme fact and when man once opens his mind to the greater, the lesser knowledge will be given him.
Man on earth today is chiefly concerned with acquiring either scientific or intellectual knowledge and he shuts his mind to the greater knowledge, the knowledge of spiritual opportunities and laws. Only in these laws can he find full expression for the powers that are his; and only by consciously working with and being always willingly obedient to these laws, can he rise to his full stature, and each one who lives the life, as he can if he will, grows daily and hourly in knowledge.
All that the one who has the light can do must be done to teach others to find the way, for until all men turn willingly to the great source of light and love, the world must be a place of trials an sorrows.
Let no opportunity escape to do your part! Work joyfully in the belief that no effort is lost, and bring to your work wherever it may be, a full realization of its importance to you and to God.
This is the sixth lesson on Knowledge.

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