Dear brothers, sisters, fellow workers of light,

I have been compelled by the forces of love and light, in behalf of, and in service to, the Creator’s Son, Christ Michael of Nebadon (the former Jesus of Nazareth), under the auspices of the Correcting Time mandate, to recruit and organize a core of dedicated individuals who are willing to serve God and humanity, in sonship; in brotherhood; and in liaison with the spiritual forces of love and light, by volunteering their time and their unique abilities to reach out and touch the lives of others who are in need of love, understanding, healing, consolation, and spiritual intervention in circumstance or in purpose. To send out light where it is needed to illuminate those who stumble in darkness.

If you have been spiritually touched in some way by the teachings of Ophelius and the Circle of Seven ( and you feel a special connection and identify with its message, you may be called to join the Circles Project. The goal of this project is to establish a mortal counterpart to the teaching Circles and ministry like that of the Circle of Seven, but with an expanded vision for healing, prayer, education, counseling, and the advancement of personal spiritual progress through the learning and self-mastery of the seven disciplines of Life in the Circles: WILL, KNOWLEDGE, JOY, TRUTH, UNDERSTANDING, SYMPATHY, and LOVE.

I will be posting a series of tri-weekly lessons from a book published in the 1920s and received through the process of automatic writing called: LIFE IN THE CIRCLES. It was this book that was made known to me just after my initial contact with Ophelius and the Circle of Seven, which I understood to be a training manual for initiates into the Circles of life. Although this book is in the public domain and can be easily found and read in its entirety, I strongly urge you to read it as it is presented here in tri-weekly lesson form, so that it can be contemplated, understood, and put in practice as the lessons are presented. The source material will be unchanged, but I have taken the liberty to omit certain parts that I believe are irrelevant to the purposes of this project.

After all the lessons have been presented, I will ask those initiates who wish to be inducted into the Circles project to contact me through email and introduce yourself. All I require is a first name (real or fabricated), and an email address for the purpose of communication within the Circle. God knows who you are and it is also likely that you have already been chosen by the Circle as one who is capable to serve in this blessed ministry. Each of you have been given unique talents and abilities, latent or realized, that are useful in bringing light to this confused and dark world. Let us join together in spiritual unity to freely serve God and man--all men and all women.

To be of the Circles is to be of sincere intent and purity of heart and mind. It is a serious commitment and should not be taken lightly. “For man to belong to the Circles brings great responsibilities because he will be given much knowledge and we will expect him to understand that this is given only for use of the world.” (Life in the Circles p.54)

Prerequisites for Initiates of the Circles:

Initiates recognize and believe in the one true God, the creator of all there is, and that God is your spiritual Father and you are his child. Those that believe this have sonship with the Father and have the potential for eternal life in service to the Creator. This prerequisite dose not discount, nullify, or discredit in any way, other very important deity relationships, personal, or religious beliefs held by any initiate. We must, as workers of light who wish to see the earth come into the age of light and life--to truly want peace on earth and goodwill toward all men and women, have to strip away our prejudices; the preconditions of doctrines and dogmas; and reach out to all men and women as true brothers and sisters--siblings in the family of the one true God, the Father of all. All are invited to serve, and all are worthy to receive Gods great love and mercy.

Exceptions and Assumptions:

If you came here through the portal of the Correcting Time blog ( or was referred by a friend, you may know the background of the spirit writings posted there and the foundational understanding of the revelations of the Urantia Book. The truths in the Urantia book are fundamental to the basis of the spirit writings and uses common terminology and referral to spiritual concepts and personalities described therein. Although the terminology used in “Life in the Circles” has similarities with concepts in the Urantia Book, it was received and published about 15 years prior to the materialization of the Urantia Papers. I have found within my investigation of “credible” spirit writings prior to the Urantia Papers, that most spirit personalities at the mid-mansion world level and higher, work in unity of purpose, but not necessarily in unity of terminology when communicating with the earth plane due to the radically dissimilar physical natures and the sublimity of environment. Those personalities on the lower levels of the mansion world system may still retain erroneous ideas and beliefs from their former earth lives, and as such, the messages cannot be wholly embraced as truth. It is my opinion that the writings contained in “Life in the Circles” was channeled from personalities on the third mansion world, yet much of the ideas and information was probably learned and passed on from teachers in higher Circles/levels.

In my personal communications to others and in web posts, I may be referring to concepts, ideas, and the teachings of Jesus, as defined by the Urantia Book. Because these teachings are not part of any organized religion, and it is in my opinion, all inclusive to all peoples with its universal message for which I have been led to discover through supernatural agents, I will continue to use it as reference and background material in my correspondence and communication with others. If this sounds like a contradiction to the prerequisite, I make no apology, and I hope that I will not offend anyone. I just ask that you keep an open mind.

What is Required of Initiates of the Circles?

1. Study, study, study, the lessons. Read and re-read until you understand the message. 2. Believe, believe, believe--the only limitations you have are from your unbelief. 3. Overcome, change, and live your life according to these truths and the laws of God. 4. Work with the spiritual forces of light and love and develop a relationship with your spiritual guides and teachers. Meditate, Meditate, Meditate! 5. Freely give, teach, pray, console, and send light where it is needed to heal and to love unconditionally. 6. Seize the opportunities as they are presented to you, to do this work and do it selflessly, without material reward or pride of ego. 7. To live the life of single-minded desire for and utter belief in the things of the spirit. To be a living example of one who has sonship with God and who bears the fruits of the spirit in daily life.

These requirements and teachings are not be fanaticized or become a replacement or an escapement for your life duties and family responsibilities. Life in the Circles should be a joy and not a burden. Use wise judgment and moderation in all things. Ask for the Spirit of Truth to guide you as you interpret the spiritual meanings contained in the lessons. Meditate often and ask questions about the things you do not understand or those things you need clarification on--first in meditation, then with others in the Circle. The emphasis of learning these truths is to rely more on spirit and less on man--be open to all possibilities.

How this all Works:

Friends, this is truly an adventure and an experiment. There’s no limit to what we can accomplish together when we have unity of spirit to do the will of God and serve humanity unselfishly. Life in the Circles is a pathway to unify and strengthen our personal relationship with spirit as well as a tool to develop self-mastery. The many emails I receive in response to the messages from Ophelius and the Circle of Seven, have encouraged me to take this next step in faith to expand the reach of spirit by educating the truth hungry souls of sincere men and women who feel the gravity of eternity and hear the divine call to action. For many, this may be the void filling substance of a destiny driven purpose.

First and foremost, read and understand the lessons as they are presented. If after a few weeks you decide that these teachings resonate with you and you want to continue on this path, please do so with great sincerity of heart. Email me with any questions you may have and I will be happy to discuss and clarify any of the lessons with you.

Once the final lesson has been posted, I would like those of you who would like to join the Circles project to email me and introduce yourself, if you have not already done so. Please don’t send me any personal information like full names, addresses, or phone numbers, but I do encourage you to send me stories of your personal experiences with spirit and any relevant information such as unique abilities, skills, and talents that may be helpful to the Circles Project (Reki healers, holistic practitioners, nursing, remote viewers, prayer groups, web developers, Journalist, poets, writers, teachers, special interest: archaeology, anthropology, ancient cultures, astronomy, world religions, musical abilities, genetics, theoretical physics, quantum mechanics, etc). Everyone who is drawn to these teachings has something to offer--even if it is only to pray for someone else, you add great value to the Circle.

The Circles Project will be Implemented in Two Phases:

Phase I will be reading, studying, meditating, and sending in your questions, thoughts, and concerns about the lessons.

Phase II will be organizing the core of the Circle and establishing the mission. What is the mission? To bring light, love, and healing to this world that is in such need, and to make contact with your guides so as to aid you in this important work. The details are yet to be unfolded to me by spirit, but with great faith, I anticipate doing the will of the Father with the guidance of his wise ministers; to bring together the greatest ideas from his faithful servants in the Circle; and to serve and uplift humanity one soul at a time, bringing this world one step closer to light and life.

The Circle Project can be a powerful force for good in a world of disparity and need. Together we can make it as great and as powerful as we want it to be, only our lack of vision and faith can limit us. As we are co-creators with the Father, having the divine indwelling of Him, there are no limits because we are children of the Most High God.

“You shall do even greater things than I”
Jesus of Nazareth.

God speed everyone,

Chris of the Circles

Fourth Circle - Truth

First Lesson on Truth

We are here.  Are we ready?  Are we pure in heart and are we willing to do all that we can in this work?

When man begins to apprehend spiritual truth, he is in the Circles of Truth.  Each day that he works and studies new truth is unfolded to him.  As each new truth is learned and as his mind opens more and more to the enormous possibilities of this light and understanding, he will begin to realize how important his work is, and each day’s endeavor to do God’s work will bring this realization to him more fully.

To live the life, we must be in close touch with our spiritual guides, and to be thus in touch we must be both obedient and wiling to be of those who work for others.

To work as we desire you should will not to take you out of that place where you are.  The place where you are is the place where your work is to be done, but your life must be so ordered that you can seize those opportunities which come to you daily to help others on the way and to teach all who will listen.

Where you are is the place of great opportunity for you, and by taking these opportunities, you will enlarge the circle of your influence and work.  Each one impressed by this teaching is like a stone thrown into the water, making its own ripple which grows and grows, and when the day comes that you will know that which you have accomplished you will know the value of your work.  The seed sown upon apparently stony soil often produces an astonishing harvest, while, on the other hand, where the soil seems most fertile, the weeds may choke all growth and life. 

As nature sows her seed with a lavish hand, so sow yours, knowing that nothing is lost, no effort wasted.  Where results are least expected great good may come.  Fear to see no one, to talk to no one.  For the good that may come does not permit of fear of consequences.  Believe that what you should say will be given you and walk fearlessly in the light of God’s love and truth.

Walk fearlessly and teach the great truth as you go, for a darkened and sad world needs the truth as never before, and each ray of light shed in the darkness will glow like a great sun to those who look for help.

And as you teach this truth, bring to each one a full realization of the importance of each man’s place in God’s scheme, for until all are brought to the light, being all children of the same Father, no one can come fully into his inheritance.

We who are in the light therefore, have doubly the responsibility.

This is the first lesson on Truth.



Second Lesson on Truth

When man learns what there is for him to do he will find that life has for him a very different outlook.  All that he thought was of value, if of material nature, will be done away with, and he will devote himself to the things of the spirit.

To teach others the way to eternal joy day by day will be of paramount importance to him.  To willingly tell all who ask what he has been given is to live the life as we would have him.  As he teaches his thought of what is correct clarifies and his inner dream of being of service to the world will be realized.  To be able to give the water of life to all who are near is to be of the greatest worth.

When man gets an entire comprehension of how to live his spiritual life on earth, he will enter the Circles of Truth, and each day of endeavor to do his part will take him more fully into these Circles.  As he works and lives the life he should, he will begin to be of the Circles of Understanding, for only in this way can he progress form Circle to Circle.  To be alive to one’s opportunities is to be spiritually alive.  To shed one’s ray of light far into the fog of unbelief and materialism, is to be entirely of one’s Circles.

To be of the Circles of Truth will take will and constant and unremitting effort and a pure mind that does not allow itself to be contaminated by either material or unclean things.  To be of these Circles one must rise through prayer above all earthly desires and passions into the pure ether of spiritual love and life.  To love fully without any thought of self will take will and work.  To live one’s earth life fully, doing all that one should there without losing touch with the higher, spiritual life, will take will and knowledge, and will also require wisdom.

To be of these Circles means utter and complete obedience and also very intense concentration, and only when this is acquired can one do the work necessary to go on, for to read and listen without apprehending the deep spiritual  significance of what one is reading or being told is to fail to be of the Circles, and daily and hourly prayer for power and understanding is necessary to achieve while we are on earth.

To turn on each occasion, whether joyful or not, to the wise and loving Father is to be of the Circles of Truth.  To wait when one is uncertain of what to do for the inner guiding voice, is to be of the Circles of Truth, and, having heard the still small voice, to follow it, is to be obedient to our guides.

To live according to all that is best and highest in one’s nature, to give all that one can of one’s nature, to give all that one can of one’s knowledge and understanding to illumine the path for others, to work and study and learn that others may find the way more quickly, to share each new idea and thought, looking for the kernel of truth therein, and to be of those who gladly give, is to be of the Circles of Truth.

To tell of what we believe and think so that others may be started on the same quest and to live fearlessly in the light given each day, and to witness to that light each time that opportunity comes, is to be of the Circles of Truth.

This is the second lesson on Truth.



Third Lesson on Truth

To turn from the material things of the earth and from all worldly pleasures take much will and daily effort.

To live the life of single-minded desire for and utter belief in the things of the spirit will only be done by patient and persistent self-control, and self-control is only acquired by daily and hourly exertion of the will.  There is no royal road to active spiritual life.  It can only come as the result of a great and overwhelming desire for the truth and, when once this desire takes possession of the mind and soul, the persistent effort must follow.

To be of these Circles is to be very far advance in the way to real life, and the further one advances the more will be required, for the way is never easy and only the strong and determined seeker for light will achieve.  The greater the height, the harder the struggle for will and knowledge, but with the growth of will and knowledge comes greater and more satisfying power, and each day’s progress in self-control brings a corresponding development of power.  To learn how to direct and use this power is part of the Circles of Truth. 

The first step is self-control, the next concentration, and then how to direct thought force.  As one progresses from Circle to Circle one keeps his place only in those where he has achieved mastery.  One may make much progress one day only to slide back the next, and until complete mastery is obtained and held, one is not fully of that Circle.

The narrow path is a hard steep climb towards complete freedom and utter joy.  Happy the one who starts thereon and who having started, will never turn back.

This is the third lesson on Truth.



Fourth Lesson on Truth

When the soul so longs for the truth that it turn from earthly pleasures to the living water, it will be in the Circles of Truth, yet in doing this no earthly duty must be neglected, and the only way to do both earthly and spiritual duties well is to wok consciously with our spiritual guides.

Whenever doubt arises as to what is the greater and what the lesser duty, they can point the way, and in order to be in this close and constant communication one must learn how to listen and hear.  When this is accomplished we will never fail to reach through to him who seeks.  This communication is not easily acquired by those who are not born with the faculty of clear vision and hearing, and must be learned through steady and unremitting effort.  The power of so concentrating the mind that it is at once quiet, clear and receptive must be practiced many times a day and must be practiced wherever we are, even in the midst of a crowd of people, for to be able to really concentrate, one must learn to withdraw whenever one will into one’s closet and shut the door.

Only when one has fully acquired this power will clear vision come, and one must do this without thoughts visibly wandering from the outside life and one must learn to listen well without those outside even knowing it is being done, and when we can do this we will be in constant and close communion with the life of the spirit.  From this communion we will derive great comfort and strength and in this way we are guided in our life hour by hour and when we trust to this guidance and live the life as we are told, no real harm of any kind, either worldly or spiritual, can come to either us to those we love and wherever we are, we are safe in God’s love and protection.

As a father cares for his dearly-loved child, so God cares for all who love and come to Him.  All that they need will be given without effort on their part and all that they are asked to do is to be obedient and loving and to help all whom they can reach to this new light, for this light is the same that has always been given to a doubting world by the prophets, and which can in the fullest measure through Christ.

Today it is being given in full and complete truth.  The world no longer needs to be taught in parables but can now comprehend the full truth.  All the discoveries of science and the knowledge of unknown forces have opened men’s minds to great possibilities, and as they strive for the truth, they will learn the laws of which they have heretofore been ignorant.  The discoveries of the past century are small compared to what is ahead for mankind.

Work therefore with an open mind and a loving heart for all around you, and be a factor in the great work that lies ahead.

This is the forth lesson on Truth. 
Love and the peace that passes understanding and joy beyond belief be with you.
We will wait until tomorrow.



Fifth Lesson on Truth

As a man comes more into the truth he will learn how to work with the forces which we are calling Circles, and as he learns the laws by which these forces work, he will become of greater and greater power, but all roads to achievement mean hard work and constant study and effort, and the acquisition of self-control is of all struggles the most difficult.  To watch one’s mind day by day and hour by hour, to be of those who guard their tongues while trying in all ways to tell all they can to those who desire the truth, requires a wisdom that is not easily learned.  To be as wise as a serpent and as harmless as a dove, while willingly living the life of the world, will take all our effort and endeavor and much time, of which we must not be chary.

To give only of our best to this work is necessary if we would live to the full limit of our powers.  When day by day we do this with a constant purpose ahead we can not fail, but the purpose to do this work in order to help a sad and darkened world must never waver.

To be a help to all in trouble, to bear the torch of light and eternal life to those blinded by grief, is to testify to the truth which we know.  To willingly leave our own pleasures to bear the burden of others, is to testify to this truth.  Never to turn away from those in sorrow or trouble, is to testify to the truth taught by Christ.

To put one’s work for God first and one’s earthly pleasures after and to follow the call wherever it may lead, is to be of the Circles of Truth.

To realize that any soul that asks for either mental or spiritual help is a suffering child to be helped, and to so open one’s mind and heart that no call, no matter how light, is left unheeded, is to be of the Circles of Truth.

To pray and work joyously while trusting in God’s love and mercy towards each wayward child, is to be of the Circles of Truth.  To tenderly feed the divine spark in each one with whom we come in contact while not condemning what they do that turns them from us, to keep them close to us through all sin and suffering, to send forth the vibration of love to each human soul, no matter how depraved, to be only a tender older brother to all who come to you for help or advice, to work to the full limit of your strength and capacity, only resting in the communion with God’s spirit, and to so live your life that all may have access to you whenever they need, is to be of the Circles of Truth.

To sow the seed with a lavish hand, enriching the soil by prayer and by constant love and wisdom, to take each least opportunity to do God’s work as a joyous occasion to do one’s best, to greet each day fearlessly, rejoicing in its opportunities for love and work, is to be of the Circles of Truth.

To look out on the world with a large vision, keeping humanity close to one’s heart in all love, is to be of the Circles of Truth.

To strive each day for higher effort and purer purpose, putting away all dross of earthly desire, is to be of the Circles of Truth.

To live fully, loving utterly and giving all to those who need, is to do one’s full duty in these Circles.

This is the fifth lesson on Truth.



Sixth Lesson on Truth

The truth being so full and comprehensive of so much that is beyond the understanding of the finite mind, one can only get bits here and there.

When man is entirely in these Circles of Truth, he will begin to get an inkling of further and further steps on the path, and each day will open new vistas of work to be done and knowledge to be gained.

The limitless possibilities contained in this evolution to further power can only be learned step by step as we climb the ladder made by our won will and purpose.  As our mind unfolds, new truth can be apprehended, and as we work each day we make new discoveries.  To be alert and with a mind quickened to spiritual truth, is to be of the Circles of Truth.

To work at all times with a comprehension of the importance of this work we are doing, and to give at all times only our best endeavor to do it well, is to be of the Circles of Truth.  To learn as we work to pray for guidance, and to  follow that guidance minute by minute, is to be of the Circles of Truth.

To hold on high the torch we carry to illumine all who will draw near, is to be of the Circles of Truth.  To so live one’s life that one’s light is never dimmed and that one is a signal of help to all who seek, is to be of the Circles of Truth, and when one has achieved and has done his work in these Circles, he has already begun to be of the Circles of Understanding.

This is the sixth lesson on Truth.

