God sent an answer back to me in the form of a connection with someone of like vibration who felt the very same way about this very difficult problem of healing the water. This person is Michele. She has found a way to send healing to the Gulf of Mexico and she is the author of this most beautiful healing meditation. Michele is very passionate about healing the water and so I challenged her to put together a meditation from the heart and soul of her being, and she has created something very beautiful and full of light. I hope you all will join together and send your healing light to the water. Thank you Michele.
Light and Love,
Begin by imagining yourself at the center of the Milky Way. White light floods through your body, mind, spirit, and subtle bodies, filling in all fissures and dark spots. Feel the white light, and open your palms face-up, allowing the healing energies to accumulate. Now imagine your basic, conscious, and higher selves, perfectly integrated, and shining out through your 3rd eye. To do this, I imagine a radiant column of white light flowing up from well below my feet, up through my body, passing through the 3rd eye, and radiating out through the top of my head, well above my head. Now the bottom, top, and middle of the column of white light shoots forward, creating a "pyramid," as the light from the top, 3rd eye, and bottom culminate in a line that shines out through the 3rd eye, connecting us to God, to the center of the Milky Way, and, radiating out from there, to the distant reaches of the Universe. This looks like a pyramid of white light, the apex of the pyramid shining out through the 3rd eye. It is like imagining a pyramid on its side, with you at its center, beaming white light forth.
Once that is complete, you will focus on shining this radiating light on the Gulf of Mexico in all its splendor, as it is cradled in the Center of the Milky Way, the recipient of white light shining into it from all recesses of the Universe. Now you focus your intentions, calling upon your guardian angels and spirit guides, and any other celestials coming from a place of light and love who wish to heal, protect, light and guide, and alert them to your intentions to focus healing energies on the Gulf and its inhabitants. Emphasize your love for this region, your gratitude for its many forms of life, and your desire for the highest good of all to prevail.
You are now in the cradle of white light, surrounding you and Gulf itself. You are standing in the middle of the ocean and sending the white light into the waters. Visualize the interplay of light from the sun, the light from the healing energies you are focusing into the water, and the light of the Universe, all flowing through the gently rippling waters, and the rainbow glints of light that catch and reflect these sources of light as they play over the waves.
Utilize any images you have in your memory banks of crystal clear, light blue waters, of schools of fish happily swimming about, of burgeoning life upon coral reefs, of sea anemones and dolphins, sea plants and plankton, and other sea life in perfect balance and harmony. Sending healing white light into all these forms of life, you see only the clarity of the water, the health and promise of all the sea life before you. If you have a special relationship to crystals and would like to attempt this, visualize the collective spirit of clear quartz crystal, of rose quartz, of any calming, gentle crystal energy you like, flowing into the waters, into the animals. I like to picture a giant apophyllite quartz crystal* is at the bottom of the ocean floor, and that it rises up energetically to fill the entire space of the Gulf region -- animals can still maneuver through it, but in so doing, they incorporate the healing energies of this crystal into their beings, body, mind and spirit.
Focus of Intention:
The purpose of this healing meditation is to accentuate and bring to life the full potential of the Gulf in perfect health, with clear, clean water, and healthy, flourishing forms of sea life. If imagery of the oil spill floats into your mind, gently push that to the side, and if it is your preference, you can ask that God "not put that into the law." It is difficult not to visualize the diseased state in focusing on the newly healed state, but for the purpose of this meditation, we visualize the purity and health of this region. For those with advanced knowledge of the many layers of the ocean food chain, take the time to visualize these many tiers of the ecosystem, each in full abundance, health, and vitality. Recognize the beauty and dignity of each of these layers. Send gratitude into the tiniest parts of the food chain, the microscopic sea plankton, and acknowledge their special place in the ecosystem. The tiniest forms of life are as critical to the health of this planet as are our larger friends, the dolphins and fish.
After you have spent time on these visualizations, attend to your traditional method of energy healing or prayer.
Final Thoughts:
If visualizing any aspect of the Gulf and its healed situation is difficult for you, release specific visualizations and simply focus on the radiant white light of the divine flowing into the waters. Let it be known that your intention, above all else, is for perfect alignment to God's will, and your healing intentions go out with respect for the highest good of all, free will, and harming none. Whatsoever is in the best interest of the Gulf and its inhabitants, let the white light attend to each matter on its own, and trust in the healing potentials of the exercise. Make it your intention that as the water heals, so too do its inhabitants. The water itself, in its newly healed state, becomes the medium upon which the growth and health of the region rebounds.
*An apophyllite crystal is one that is naturally shaped like a pyramid, and it tapers up gently to the point at its apex. I visualize healing energies emanating from this point, flowing into all surrounding life and into the water itself. I also visualize this crystal as lying on its side before me as I send out healing, so that its bottom is against the front of my body, and the apex aligns with my 3rd eye. As I visualize my basic, conscious and higher selves perfectly integrated and shining out through my 3rd eye, it is through the apex of the apophyllite crystal that it flows outward, so that whomsoever is the recipient of the light, gets the full force of the energies and healing potentials of this crystal flowing into them, simultaneous to the healing energies of the white light itself. Here is a picture of one:

I have read that the Mayans and other ancient cultures used quartz crystals to store information, to heal, to perform rituals of all kinds. I honor this tradition by incorporating crystals (physically and spiritually, through visualization), into my healing rituals for others. Perhaps crystals, ancient and mysteriously formed as they are, have locked within them the potential to foster basic healing and alignment to God's will. I attempt to call upon "the spirit of" quartz crystals to be energetically present in a given person, place or situation, to shed whatever healing potentials are possible and to encourage balance and harmony. It is also my hope that their ability to contain information then connects the individuals to ancient wisdom and truth, as we all connect back to the same Source. I believe that our earth's crystals are one means by which we can connect to an earlier time, and for instance, to feel and be connected to the lost civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis. In so doing, perhaps lost wisdom and knowledge can super-consciously connect us to deeper truths, and assist us in overcoming the disease-states fostered in modern times. An earlier state of consciousness that preceded modern times might be beneficial in attempting to reconnect to lost potentials and wisdom, and in coming out from under the veil of what seems to be important in present-day. Just a thought!